Tuesday 2 September 2014

Sensitization Seminar On Ebola Recorded Low Student Turnout

The Ebola Virus Sensitization Seminar organized by the Obafemi Awolowo University for the campus community witnessed a very low turnout.

The seminar which was held at the Afrika Amphi Theatre saw less than 2000 students in attendance out of over 20,000 of OAU. The continuation of lectures even after the University Authority declared the period of 10:00am-12:00noon a lecture free period was attributed by many as the reason for the low turnout.

The Seminar saw some guest lecturers educate the students on the deadly Ebola virus and ways students can prevent contacting it in case of any eventuality. One major question was raised by a student on the popular red water which is sometimes served to the student Hall of Residence. Concerns on the Red water was doused as students were assured of the safeness of the water for use. "The red colour is due to the high Iron content in it but I can assure you it is very safe for use. We are also working on it to make it look good soon." the speaker answered.

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