Thursday 25 September 2014

iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus Go Through Drop Test (Video)

Apart from great technical specifications, one of the things most people consider when buying a smartphone is durability– ability to withstand accidental physical abuses. iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus went on sale officially today in some parts of the world and surprisingly, we’re seeing drop tests already. A Youtube user named PhoneBuff uploaded a video showing how strong the phones are.

As predicted by a number of people, the iPhone 6 appears to be able to withstand the stress better than iPhone 6 Plus although both phones ended up with damaged screen.

iPhone 6 survived the back drop. Also when dropped on it’s side, it survived with a few scratches, however, the screen got damaged when dropped face down. That’s to be expected though.

iPhone 6 Plus on the other hand ended with with just a scratch when dropped on it’s back but the screen shattered during the side drop.

Below is the video:

If you know you’ve got ‘slippery fingers’ , drop things all the time and you’re planning to buying iPhone 6 Plus, perhaps going for iPhone 6 is a better idea judging by the video.

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