Friday 19 September 2014

Ibikunle, Bamidele Accused Of Beating Up A Fresher

Thursday evening at Awolowo Hall in Oba Awon University could be described as one of the most action packed night in this semester as Bamidele was on the verge of been paraded and served ‘maximum shishi’ by Awoite for allegedly slapping a student.

It all started Thursday evening when Ibikunle and some other members of the CEC, SU came to Awolowo Hall as usual to make announcement. Awo boys in what looks like accumulated frustration and anger over the 5 days power blackout and epileptic water supply refused to listen to the Union president and boo him as he continually tried to speak. No sooner, many Awo boys who were upstairs before came down and got into hot arguement with Ibikunle and other Union leaders. Suddenly, there was an uproar and clamour from one end of the clustered students that Bamidele, the SU PRO slapped someone. Immediately, many Awoites who were already angry started to shout and intensely call for Bamidele trial at the level of Awolowo Cafe for allegedly slapping someone.

The surprise was never revealed until when Bamidele was eventually dragged to Awo Cafe after so much repelling forces allied to the Union officer that was against the clamoured trial. The call was made that the slapped person should come up and explain what actually transpired and led to him been slapped. Surprisingly, the person who was slapped could not be found. Did Bamidele then slap a ghost? Or Is the person slapped afraid to come out? That is a yet to be answered question.

At this point, my mind was already creating a scenario of a similar situation in a law court. Since Bamidele’s alleged victim could not come up, Bamidele is definitely free from any punishment and could no longer be held culpable for any offense with no genuine evidence which was the slapped person in that case. The Students’ Union PRO was eventually freed after some students mounted the podium to testify that Bamidele did not slap anyone.

Remember, the issue of the Blackout and epileptic water supply brought this brouhaha in place. As if the Season 1 was not enough, about 10 minutes later when the Union officers had all left, a young man was up narrating his ugly ordeal in the hands of the Central Executive Council members a day ago. He accused Ibikunle, Bamidele, Comrade Oye and two others for gang-beating him up as he mistakenly find his way to the officers’ block of residence. In the words of this young man who identified himself as a fresh student of Microbiology, he said he mistakingly got to the floor where Ibikunle and co stay in his search for a facebook friend called Stanley. According to him, all his efforts at convincing Ibikunle and co proved abortive as they seized his phone and landed him heavy beating.

He was about explaining how he was been taken to the Toilet probably to be locked up when Awoites started shouting SUB! They resolved to go and storm the Students’ Union Building to demand for explanation from the accused Union leaders. On getting to SUB, Ibikunle and other Union leaders were not there. The aggrieved students then decided to lock up the SUB and chanted that they no longer need a Union since it was already been made a government which was not supposed to be. Our efforts to reach Ibikunle himself in other to confirm these allegations proved abortive as he was not picking up his calls.

In similar vein, the total blackout on campus extends to 6 days today as the Power was flashed for some minutes in some Halls of Residence while others remain in darkness.
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