Thursday 19 October 2017

Picking Fruits Over Soft Drinks

By Ayantayo-Ojo Damilola

The stress an average student passes through during the weeks of lecture can get quite tiring. Walking far distances to different lecture threaters in the sun to receive lectures. This obviously creates fatigue in the body as a chill refreshing soft drink is the next resort of students.  The body feels refreshed as it soothens the heated body instantly. The magic of the fizz seems to soothe the body and mind instantly.

Therefore, it is easy for students to get addicted to soft drinks such that they make it a thing of complusion everyday. Some even go ahead to take as much as two to three drinks in a day. An  average student takes at least four soft drinks within seven days.

   Though refreshing, these drinks are often filled with a lot of sugar and can have serious negative effects which might not be comparable with the short refreshment attained.
The soft drinks could cause serious health  problems such as teeth and bone damage, high risk of infertility, obesity , diabetes , kidney failure, metabolism level decreases among other things.

More importantly, recent research has shown that it affects the brain function. The high amount of HCFL in soft drinks disturbs the insulin activity in the brains which maintains the sugar for energy process. Thus causes memory loss. Therefore, there is the high probability of not recollecting all what one has read and studied.

     In order to supplement for soft drinks, it is advisable to take fruits as they benefit the body greatly providing it with vitamins and minerals improving body function.

Some Fruits usually found around are:
Pineapples: Contains natural enzymes called Bromelan which breaks down protein and aid digestion, prevents blood clot and the growth of cancer cell. Also speeds up healing wounds.

Pear: Much of fibre found in pear is soluble. Can help prevent constipation. It may also help reduce cholesterol level and prevent heart disease.

Oranges: Good source of folate, important vitamine for pregnamt women. Contains phytochemical called Hesperidin which may lower blood cholesterol level
Cherry: Contains  antioxidant  which helps reduce inflammation and ease the pain of arthritis and gout

Banana: Source of vitamin B6 and pottassium and folate. With 422 milligrams of pottasium per banana,these sweet delights have more pottassium than most fruits and may help to lower blood pressure levels.

Mango: High in oxidant, protect vision and reduce risk of age related macular degenerstion ( the leading cause of blindness in adults)

  Most of these fruits can be easily purchased around the OAU campus. It is also advisable to purchase natural fruit juices which are sold around also. Personally, I recommend that students take at least two edible fruits in a day.

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