Friday 25 March 2016

Part 2 Law Students Protest Inability To Register Course

Part two students of the faculty of law, Obafemi Awolowo University yesterday displayed frustration as they have not been able to register for one of their courses; Islamic Law since the beginning of this semester.

JPL 204 is a law restricted elective which is available for part two students. It was a sandwich of anger and frustration when hordes of law part two students just after their Law of Contract examination at about noon yesterday, marched down to the computer centre to express their botheration and dissatisfaction as the inability to register for the course since the beginning of the semester continues even as the session winds up in about a week time.

According to their class governor, Adeniyi Falade, several efforts have been made to ensure that the problem is resolved but all to no avail. In an interview with him, he stated that letters have been written to appropriate quarters in respect of the challenge. He further stated that the officials at the computer center had a meeting with the class representatives today. The authorities of the computer center had however assured them of a solution to the challenge as soon as possible.

The students had written the examination for the course in question about a week ago.
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1 comment:

  1. Peaceful protest is the right of everyone. It is really great that these students are protesting for their education. They must get their proper rights. We are with them and the institute must offer this course. We can also get support by college paper through these online blogs so never miss the chance and support them.
