Tuesday 8 March 2016

ACJ OAU: Larrysam, O'zik Head To Poll

If there are two names that took the Obafemi Awolowo University campus by storm within the last few hours, one is tempted not to go beyond Oyedeji Olanrewaju a.k.a Larrysam and Omole Isaac a.k.a O'zik; these personalities are contesting for the post of the President of the Association of Campus Journalists, OAU.

These two are arguably experienced campus journalists who even write for press outfits outside OAU. Larrysam and O'zik were forced to resign from the offices they occupy some hours before now owning to the set guideline of the Electoral Committee that mandated the resignature of any exco of ACJ with ambition in the poll. However, before this time, Olanrewaju Oyedeji was the Chairman, Guild of Editors, ACJ OAU while Omole Isaac was the Public Relations Officer of ACJ OAU.

Before this time, it will be recalled that the two engaged in a media face-off that almost polarized the campus pen pushers and even attracted criticisms from ordinary students of OAU. Was the face-off motivated by their ambition? A question no one has accurately provided an answer to.

In the mean time, these two and other aspirants for other positions head to the poll that will be decided strictly by recognized and registered ACJ OAU members tomorrow.

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