Saturday 1 July 2017

How To Calculate Your OAU Screening Score

This is to inform all OAU Aspirant that they can calculate their screening marks using UTME/ O'level 50:50 ratio utilised last year.

How to Calculate Screening Result

1. Both the UTME score and your O'level results' grades are
computed to assess you.
2. For the screening, UTME result weighs 50% of your total
score and the remaining 50% from your O'level results.
3. Your best 8 subjects are computed; With A1 = 8, B2 =
7, B3 = 6, C4 = 5, C5 = 4, C6 = 3, and so on.
4. Maximum points from your best 8 O'level subjects is 64
( A1 = 8 X 8 subjects).
5. Your O'level points is then converted to 50% (Assuming
y is your O'level points, then, it will now be calculated
thus: y/64 X 50).
6. For your UTME points, it will be calculated thus: Your
UTME score/400 X 50.
7. Your final merged score, which will be used for
admission now = UTME points (maximum of 50) + O' level
points (maximum of 50) = 100.

All Aspirants are to note that no official cutoff mark have been released and the above calculation method was used last year and not guaranteed to remain this year.
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  1. Wot if i am using two results

  2. I calculated my scores and my total was 70, do you think I will be admitted to study law.

  3. i calculated my scores and the total was 61.75 is it possible for me to study civil engineering pls ma facebook account is you can notify me

  4. Pls is there any difference even if one is using 2sittings?

  5. Dear poster, you should pls review this post. OAU now conducts post utme which is also put in use to calculate aggregate score

  6. I calculated my score I have 56 can I study international relations pls notify me

  7. Can I get admitted, I got 50.1 after the calculation for german

  8. Please what is the aggregate cut off mark for accounting
