Saturday 29 October 2016

Lecture Free Week And Tips For Examinations – Akinfenwa Olaitan

Unavoidably, we are coming face to face with exams. Also, lecture-free week starts next week. We all know how this seems to be the fastest week of all but here are a few tips you should know as you study for exams during the lecture free week.

1) Set goals: As obvious as this may seem, many of us fail to set achievable goals for studying. Don't just rush head-on into the week without setting specific time for studies, resting, eating and all. Make a to-do list as this would help you stay committed to each task.

2) Make a study timetable: This would help you know what exactly you need to study per day. If you don't do that, your enormous workload might overwhelm you. A personal timetable will ensure you study one course at a time.

3) Designate a 'sacred' place for studying: We all know that there are so many jacking places here on campus. So, find a place that suits you most- whether the library, or ODLT, or any other lecture theatre, or even our own amphitheatre (one of my favorite places actually, lol). Studies have shown that this will automatically prime your brain and rev it into study mode.

4) Find out more about the exam: Try to find out about the exam you're preparing for, and what format it will take. It could be an essay test, multiple choice questions or short answer questions. Find out about the lecturer's grading system and how he or she likes the questions answered. Not all lecturers are interested in a display of intelligence. Some want only what they gave in class. Know your lecturers.

5) Turn off the phone: Replying chats, emails and all forms of social media are distractions! So turn off your phone to avoid distractions. Your chats can wait till you're done studying.

6) Take regular study breaks: Studying for twelve hours at a stretch is not the smartest way to go. Take breaks, take a walk and take a snack. This will help you study better with less stress.

7) Join a study group: Studying with friends will boost your ability to retain information. You tend to remember what you discussed with your friends. It will go a long way to help you in the exam hall.

8) Teach what you have learnt:  Explaining what you have studied to others is a very good way of committing it to memory. You verify if you really understand when you learnt when you say it out loud instead of simply reading.

9) Treat past questions: For us here in OAU, we know how important this is. Some lecturers repeat questions. Besides, you get familiar with how questions come when you practice past questions.

10) Be prepared: Finally, be prepared in every way before the exam. Be well rested and do not skip your meals. Don't stay up all night and don't be so anxious before the exam. Be prayerful and be confident. Enjoy the lecture-free week as much as you can. Success is attainable, even in OAU. I wish you all the very best.

(Akinfenwa Olaitan is a student of the Faculty of Arts, Obafemi Awolowo University and a member of the OAU Peeps Team)
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1 comment:

  1. At this link collected lots of exam tips and articles from advanced writers.
