Friday 25 December 2015

OAU: On Rumoured Cancellation Of An Academic Session (2015/2016 Session)

Merry Christmas to you all.

In recent weeks, we have received numerous messages, phone calls and texts from many of those that have been admitted asking when they are likely to resume on Obafemi Awolowo University as students.

Henry asked; Please sir i am still curious to know what OAU management has in mind for we aspirants still waiting for second list?

Our response
If I tell you that there is no valid information, you may not be contented, not even in the midst of so many rumours travelling in the Social Media.

On resumption of fresh students, from information currently at my disposal, you are likely to resume September, 2016. Reason being that there is a thickened rumour that the OAU Management is planning the cancellation of an academic session (2015/2016).

Your fate if that pulls through?
You will be more delayed than necessary until September, 2016. Those that will be affected the most IF that arrangement pulls through are those that will be taking the 2016 UTME. Being affected could be positive or negative.

POSITIVE: They may be merged with those on ground now (those already admitted and yet to resume) and resume September, 2016. What a miracle and fastening.

NEGATIVE: They may need to wait as long as mid-2017 to resume since a session before them may not commence until September, 2016. I smell this but I don't pray it should happen because you guys have stayed at home so long.

N:B - All these based on assumptions on the platter of information currently available. Things may take another turn in the next 5 minutes. That's Great Ife for you!
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  1. How possible is it that the session will be cancelled?

  2. OAU used to be great and is still good but when the head is bad the body is bound to be bad... Prof Omole has nearly finished cos of greed

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