Saturday 11 April 2015

Current Power Supply Is Temporal -Electoral Commission

The Electoral Commission has said the current power supply across the Halls of Residence is temporal and as such will expire tomorrow morning.

According to the Commission, the late attention given to the blackout was due to the election break given to the Engineers who were supposed to attend to the issue so that they can also exercise their franchise today. The feeder line supplying the halls of residence has been detected to be faulty and work has begun since Thursday to identify the problem.

"By Monday, the full repairs will be embarked upon so that uninterrupted power can be supplied to all halls"

"The ongoing repairs have been succesful to an extent. Meanwhile the repairs are partial and would demand shuffling until Monday"

"Please ALL Students are advised to charge their devices as the current availability of electricity will expire tomorrow morning." The Electoral Commission advised.

The Electoral Commission has constitutionally taken over all the structures of the Students' Union since the dissolution of the Ibikunle-led administration on March 12, 2015 and as such, is responsible for the welfare of Great Ife students till the inauguration of a new tenure.
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