Saturday 11 October 2014

17 Years Old Malala Yousafzai Wins Nobel Peace Prize

17 year old children's rights activists Malala Yousafzai is now the youngest person ever to win a Nobel Peace Prize . Journalists from across the globe gathered in Birmingham to hear her speak on receiving the prestigious award . She said she was honoured to a Nobel laureate at a young age

"I feel honoured to be chosen as a Nobel laureate and that I have been honoured with this precious award and I am proud to be the first Pakistani, the first young person and young woman to win , "she said.

She also spoke of how she found out she was the joint winner, during a chemistry class on Friday morning.

"I was in chemistry class and we were looking at electrolytes, it was about 10.15am. I was not expecting I would get this award, and by 10.15am I was sure I had not .Then my teacher took me to one side and told me, I was totally surprised.I decided that I would not leave my school, so I finished my schooltime and went to physics and English,’ adding how all her teachers and school friends had praised her."

And off course she is an inspiration to millions of children across the globe because she fights for girls' right to education . She was a victim of an assassination attempt by the Taliban two years ago but has come back stronger and has worked tirelessly as a human rights campaigner following her recovery. Big big congrats Malala!!

Malala will not be forgotten in a hurry for her role in the Bring Back Our Girls campaign as she met with President Jonathan to show concern for the missing Chibok Girls.

Images by Getty Images
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