Saturday 25 November 2017

Admissions:2017/2018 Merit List Released

By Farombi Oluwaseun
This is to inform the aspirants of the Obafemi Awolowo University that the merit list for the 2017/2018 admissions has been released..

Speaking with  OAU Peeps News Agency,University Registrar, Dotun Awoyemi ,confirmed the release of the admission list and further advised other aspirants who are yet to see their names to keep checking JAMB website...

We therefore urge candidates to follow the procedure below to check their admission status

1. Visit preferably using a PC or chrome browser on mobile.
2. Login with the credentials( email and password) you created your jamb account with.
3. After successfully logging in, click on the options button ( the button with 3 dash) at the top of the page.
4. You'll see CAPS under the tag 'Admissions'. Click on it and you'll be taken to the CAPS page.
5. If the page only shows 'welcome', do not be discouraged. Just click on options on your mobile's browser and change the view of the page to 'desktop view'. This is why it's preferably to use a PC.
6. You'll see some options listed at the left-hand side. Click on 'Admission Status'.
7. It'll then bring your details.
If you've been admitted, you can either 'Accept admission' or 'Reject admission'.

If you are yet to be admitted, you will see : "admission in progress, check back later" under the tag 'Admission Status'. In this case, you won't be able to click on the 'Accept admission' or 'Reject admission' button.

As at the time of filing this report,there are some candidates who made the merit cut off mark and are yet to see their names on the admission list. We urge this category of Candidates to be patient and keep checking JAMB website as uploading is in progress..

Sunday 19 November 2017

UBA Set To Give OAU Students Free Campus Ride

By Farombi Oluwaseun

The United Bank for Africa (UBA) is set to give OAU Students Free Campus Ride. The UBA Campus Ride which  is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiative @UBAGroup for Students in selected Institution of Higher Learning.

The Free Campus Ride which has been held in other universities like LASU,UNN,EKPOMA,UNEC,BUK etc. has Obafemi Awolowo University as their next target of the group so as to help students and give back to the society..

The Free Campus Ride will last five weeks in which Students don’t have to spend a dime to get to their destination around campus again..

Speaking with OAU Peeps News Agency, the UBA Campus Champs ascertained that students do not have to open a UBA account to access the UBA Campus Ride stressing that it's free for all..

They further explained that students have to register,print  their boarding pass so as to be able to  participate in the free campus ride at the designated bus stations as they can also stand a chance to win #5,000 &other freebies from UBA.

Steps to Participate Include;

1. Visit

2. Enter this referral code OAU5465

3. Generate your registration ID either by screenshot or write it out and show anytime you want to enter any of our buses.

The Free Campus Ride is scheduled to start tommorrow ,November 20,2017 by 8a.m.. Buses with UBA STICKERS would be stationed at campus gate  and bus stop and will only work from 8a.m to each days Monday to Friday every week till December 22,2017.

You can also join the WhatsApp Group through this link

Monday 6 November 2017

OAU Vice Chancellor Speaks On The Suspension Of Students Union Activities

OAU Vice Chancellor Speaks On The Suspension Of Students Union Activities
By Farombi Oluwaseun

Few minutes after the notification of the Suspension of Union activities ,the Vice Chancellor of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Prof. Eyitope Ogunbodede in an exclusive interview with OAU Peeps News Agency further stated that the union activities was suspended not proscribed..

He added that the suspension was necessary  after reports of fight amongst students got to the university management and also to allow the regime of the present immature Students Union leaders  to pass away..

The Vice Chancellor was further asked whether Students Union elections will hold this semester, he said everything depends on the students if they are mature enough to handle the suspension of the union activities and settle all their rifts.
He assured that if all these are done, Union activities will be reinstated soon..

He Concluded by encouraging the generality of  students  to see Obafemi Awolowo University as a model to other universities in spite of the bad leaders of the Students Union..

OAU Management Suspends Students Union Activities

By Farombi Oluwaseun

Few hours after the impeachment of the Students Union President by the Parliament, the school management has suspended the Union activities until further notice following reports of incessant fighting and unruly behavior during the congresses and the recalcitrant attitude of the Students union leadership..

This was made known through a release obtained by OAU Peeps News Agency and signed by the University Registrar, D.O Awoyemi stressing that the conclusion  was inevitable for the university administration after the emergency meeting held on Monday , November 6,2017..

The release further stated the unacceptable misdemeanors manifested by the Students union in the short period of its existence after recent reinstatement which include;

1.President "s supporters beating up the Speaker on June 29 and 30,2017.

2.Speaker's Supporters beating up the President on September 15,2017

3. Fighting between the Vice-President and Director of Socials in which head butts and stabbing with broken bottles recorded at the meeting of Union Executives on September 5,2017.

4. Vandalization of NURTW vehicles on October 6,2017

5.Forceful release of Students under investigation from Police custody on October 6,2017

6. Arrant dispensing of rumours of fees increase and fabricated threats of invasion by cultists in order to deceive and falsely gain acceptance amongst the students populace to precipitate crisis,capable of disrupting the academic activities of the university

7.Conveyance of Conflicting meetings by the Executive and the legislature with resultant open confrontation and violence; and

8. Recent serious fighting and open fracas at the meetings of the Union ( in one of  which the President of the Students Union was physically assaulted on November 1,2017) and which,if not promptly addressed, could lead to fatal consequences..

The University management has further instructed the Students Union leadership to handover all properties of the Students union to the Dean,Division of Students Affairs with immediate effect and warned that " any student or group of students who parades himself or herself as leaders or representatives of the students in causing disruption to University activities, under whatever disguise ,will be dealt with according to the University rules and regulations, and Code of Conducts ,and according to the laws of the land""..

The management however concluded by enjoining all students to be vigilant by ensuring miscreants are not allowed to circumvent the efforts to restore the University to a stable academic calendar

Sunday 5 November 2017

OAU Vice Chancellor Speaks On The Impeachment Of The Students' Union President

By Farombi Oluwaseun

  • Few hours after the impeachment of the Students Union President by the Parliament yesterday. the Vice  Chancellor of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Prof.  Eyitope Ogunbodede in  an exclusive interview with OAU Peeps News Agency made his stance known concerning the impeachment of the Students Union President (Oyekan Ibukun) and other issues  relating to students.

Concerning the impeachment of the students union President , he made it known that he is yet to receive  any official statement  from the Parliament concerning the impeachment  and as such still regards Oyekan Ibukun (Dr. IBK)  as the Students Union President.

Speaking on the report  that  cultists  attacked some students on campus, he said it's  a rumour stressing it that he believes in the Security  Department  of the university  that such can never occur on campus.. He also frowned that some non-students  are still residing on campus especially the Angola Hall Chairman and some suspended students and further promised that a strict action will be taken on that soon.

On speculations that the management is  increasing  the school fees, he ascertained  that there is no plan by the university  management and further considered the rumour as malicious..

 He further stated that the university  management  is not interested in proscribing the   union.

Conclusively,  He advised  Oyekan Ibukun (Dr. IBK)  and  Falayi Temitope(T-bamz)  to settle their  differences on time to make peace reign amongst students.

Saturday 4 November 2017

OAU Students Union President Impeached

 By Farombi Oluwaseun
The Great Ife Students Union Parliament  after an indefinite recess has today impeached the Students Union President,Mr. Oyekan Ibukun popularly known as Dr. IBK.. The motion  for the impeachment which was deliberated by 51 parliamentarians decided and make a resolution that the President should be impeached..
The motion moved stated that the President should be impeached, moderated the level of Awo Cafe and an official letter should be written to the university management stating his offence clearly

 The Parliamentarians were quoted  to have impeached the President for using the Students Union Bus to convene cultists to campus on November 1st,2017 which threatened the peace of the University community..

However, the impeached Students Union President;Oyekan Ibukun(Dr.IBK) through a release said the impeachment was not true, not in tandem with the sacrosanct constitution of the Union and further tagged  the impeachment as " Kangaroo one..

In a release obtained by OAU Peeps News Agency from the Clerk of the Parliament (Hon. Iyiola Oluwatosin Damilare), he said " the impeachment of the President is more than Valid "..

He stated clearly ""  the President has been constitutional impeached according to Article V, Section 67 Subsection  1-2..

Article V, S.67(1), observed that _any officer of the Union shall cease to hold office if a motion for his removal is supported by two thirds of the member of the SRC present and voting at a meeting provided quorum is formed._ Permit me to relate to you that Parliamentarians present during voting were 51 and the the quorum is (50), 2/3 of the member of SRC of 51 should be 34 and 37 voted which make it more than valid."""

The Clerk further stated that  the general public should deal with Mr. Oyekan Edward Ibukun as a member of the Union and not as President.

After the impeachment of the President, the Parliament  further suspended the Students Union Secretary General; Boluwajaiye Adeoluwa( Fynestboi) and the  Public Relations Officer; Okediji Simon (Zuma) for two weeks for being absent at the Parliamentary sitting..

With the decision of the Parliament as stated by the constitution, the Speaker is expected to assume the office of the President of the Union due to the vacancy of the office of  Vice President of the Students Union..

Tuesday 31 October 2017

Great Ife SU Parliamentarians Storm The National Assembly

By Farombi Oluwaseun

Great Ife Students Union Parliamentarians today visited the National Assembly ,31st October 2017 with over 30delegates.  The delegates led by the Speaker of the Parliament (Rt. Hon Falayi Temitope) stormed the National Assembly Complex   located in the Three Arm Zone of the Federal Capital Territory Abuja.

The visitation  spearheaded by the  Summit Committee headed by Hon. Olawuni Tobi A (Leveler) observed proceedings at the Upper and lower Chambers of the National Assembly(Senate and House of Representatives)..

During the Plenary session, Senate President Bukola Saraki and the Speaker of the House of the Representatives, Rt. Hon. Yakubu Dogara recognized and welcomed Parliamentarians from Great Ife students representative council  with the Deputy Speaker , Hon. Yusuf Sulaiman Lasun  giving a special recognition to all delegates being an alumnus of the institution and thanked them all for the short visitation..

Speaking with OAU Peeps News Agency on the need for the visitation, the Speaker of the Great Ife Parliament, Rt. Hon. Falayi Temitope said the visitation is to  address major issues affecting the general masses of Nigerian students stressing the fact  that the educational sector has lost its course over the years and further urged   the Joint Session of the National Assembly, most importantly , the senate and House of Representative committees on Appropriation to see to the increase in the allocation sum for the educational sector to a minimum of 26% recommendation of the total budget by UNESCO which will bring an end to social and economic unrest among Staff Unions such as ASUU, NASU and Students’ Union

Furthermore, he added  that  a new trend has become the order of the day in campuses over the country as Vice Chancellors, Rectors and Provosts of Higher Institutions are being  dictatorial and tyrannical for Suspension and Expulsion of students who are on  peaceful demonstration of poor welfare condition and underfunding of the education sector and further  demanded  the unconditional reinstatement of all suspended and expelled students in all campuses with immediate effect .

The Delegates also visited some top dignitaries of the national assembly in their offices like the Senator representing Osun East Constituency, Senator  Christopher Omoworare Babajide who was met celebrating his birthday today, he  welcomed the delegation seeing them as one of his own.

However, while addressing the delegates  Senator Omoworare expressed his displeasure concerning the suspended students and promised he will try his best to get them reinstated.. He further advised the delegates to take their studies seriously  and added that the development of the agriculture/education sector and restructuring  remains the paramount step in developing the country.

To end the trip,the delegates have also being  booked to have an inter-parliamentary  sitting with the  Students Representative Council  at the University of Abuja , Gwagwalada,Federal Capital Territory tomorrow

Wednesday 18 October 2017

"Aggregate Score Differs From Screening Score" - OAU Admission Officer

By Farombi Oluwaseun

Following the several reactions that have emerged  from aspirants on the procedure for calculating the screening score for candidates, OAU Peeps News Agency made it a necessity  to visit the admission office ,University Senate Building to clarify all reactions..

In a Chat with the University Admission Officer, Mrs Awofisayo , she ascertained that the first result slip printed (The POST-UTME AGGREGATE SCORE) which has UTME score considered  was used for determining cut off marks  in all  FACULTIES and DEPARTMENTS..
She added that the Post- UTME Aggregate Score is different from the Post-UTME Screening score..

""The FIRST RESULT SLIP printed was based on an AGGREGATE SCORE while the SECOND RESULT SLIP is based on the POST-UTME SCREENING SCORE only"". she stated.

The POST-UTME AGGREGATE SCORE is computed as follows:
A = UTME-SCORE(over 400) divided by 8

B = TOTAL O-LEVEL SCORE divided by 5


POST-UTME AGGREGATE SCORE (100%)  = (A + B + C)/100 x 100%

Also, in a chat with OAU Peeps News Agency , the Pre-degree Programme Officer, Mr. Bayo Oyekan also explained the mode of admission for the predegree students. He clarified that the Predegree students Aggregate score was calculated as follows;
O" level -10%

He further stated that the pre-degree students will also use same cut off marks as other aspirants..

Click here to check Cut-Off Marks For All Faculties

In a bid to serve all you better and reach you more readily, OAU Peeps News Agency has decided to create interactive groups for all aspirants.

The primary aim is to disseminate targeted information to this class of persons faster.
To join the WhatsApp group, send a direct message to any of these numbers; 
Pope Jay 08063429623
Fixit  07067539342
Babafaros 08064189480
on WhatsApp using the format below

'Kindly add me to the OAU  Aspirants' group. My name is Ajanlekoko May.'

You will be added once we receive your request.

Friday 13 October 2017

OAU SU: Budget Sitting Set To Hold Tommorow

OAU SU: Budget Sitting Set To Hold Tommorow
By Farombi Oluwaseun

The Budgetary and Finance committee, Great Ife Students Union has finally submitted the 75-page  budget  for this parliament year to the Students Representative Council. The budget which has been fully reviewed contains the budget of all Union Councils (Hall Executive Council, Judicial Council & Central Executive Council), Committees (Select Committee, Submit Committee  & Budgetary and Finance Committee) and Commission (Transport Management Commission), comprising    58 offices.

In an extensive interview with the Chairman, Budgetary and Finance Committee, Hon.  Oladebo Akinwale , He said the committee though faced with some complications due to the political atmosphere has tried their best to ensure accountability and transparency. He explained the budget sitting was late due to the fact that the committee was not constituted early enough as there was no immediate outgoing SRC members, therefore a responsibility of the current parliament to appoint members of the committee.

Speaking  further on the budget of the Vice President and President which was not fully reviewed,he explained that the budget of the office of Vice President could not be reviewed due to the clash between the Vice President (Jacob Tosin) and Director of Socials( Adedayo Emmanuel) . The Vice President could not appear before the committee for her presentation before the suspension given to her and the Director of Socials. However , the budget of the  office of Director of Socials has been reviewed weeks before the suspension.. The Office of the President’s budget according to him could not be fully reviewed due to the pandemonium between the Students Union President(Oyekan Ibukun) and a member of the committee(Hon. Koye-Ladele Mofehintoluwa).

He ended by thanking all the committee members starting from the Secretary(Hon. Chukwuka Maryann) and other (Hon. Temikel, Hon. Pchaun, Hon. Koye, Hon. TM and Hon. Lekan.)
The final ratification of the budget has been scheduled to hold tomorrow, October 14,2017 at Awo Café by 10am.

Wednesday 11 October 2017

OAU Suspends Transport Management Commission Chairman Indefinitely

By Farombi Oluwaseun

OAU Peeps News Agency can confirm that a  student named Oluwalade Babatunde of Department of English,Faculty of Arts,OAU has been suspended indefinitely from the university community.. Mr Oluwalade Babatunde Popularly known as BabaTee and also the Chairman, Transport Management Commission of Great Ife Students Union received his  letter of suspension in the late hours of today Wednesday,October 11,2017..

In the letter obtained by the agency tagged "" Suspension from the University Pending Police Investigation of Your Criminal Activities "",  report received by the Vice Chancellor as stated by a part of the letter states "" On October 6th,2017 at 8:55am or thereabout, with some persons violently disrupted the academics and extracurricular activities of the University by forcefully chasing other students from Lecture halls under the guise of protesting an alleged unsatisfactory power supply to the campus. The Vice Chancellor has therefore ordered that  you should be suspended from the University in the interim,pending Police Investigations and until such time as the situation shall have been reviewed and resolved """.

Speaking with the University Public Relations Officer,Mr. Abiodun Olanrewaju , He said "" the university has done what deem fit right"".
 The University Registrar ,Mr Dotun Awoyemi also on a chat with the news agency responded to the belief of students that a student has to face panel before suspension.. He clarified that  the University  Vice Chancellor can suspend any student  without facing any panel pending investigation to ensure discipline.

A Part of the letter further reads"" You are hereby ordered to vacate the university campus and are forbidden from participating in any activity of the university, whether within or outside the university campus. While the order of interim suspension subsists and until a written contrary directive is given to you by the Registrar, you should not be seen anywhere within the university campus,unless upon a formal written by the Registrar.."""

The Students Union President, Oyekan Ibukun (Dr. IBK)  in a release has however called for solidarity  stating  that the University Management has taken it too far by suspending some of our gallant and vibrant comrades for no known cause but what was cooked up to victimize him. "This we fully stand against as a union.", He further stated..

Thursday 5 October 2017

Great Ife Students Protest Over Poor Welfare Conditions

The Students Of Obafemi Awolowo University today  again protested over the present total black out and unstable water supply experienced for more than a week..

 The protests which started immediately after a congress around 3pm with students marching down to the University Senate building. At the Senate building,the students were seen  with placards with different messages(image below) to convey to the University management..The protesting  students  later marched down to road 1 of the institution to show their grievances and shut down the road for close to an hour...

     In the course of the protest, The University Public Relations Officer, Mr. Abiodun Olanrewaju came down to the scene and addressed the protesting students the situation on ground and promised them all issues concerning the epileptic power supply will be resolved soon..

  Prior to the protest,  a Congress was held  at the level of Afrika Amphitheater and resolved  that "no student should attend class(es) until the power supply is restored, and as such, the Students Union Public Relations Officer should go round the halls of residence to inform students of the Resolution of LECTURE BOYCOTT UNTIL POWER SUPPLY IS FULLY AND PERMANENTLY RESTORED.""

However, as the time of filing this report,Power supply has been restored to some halls of residence with others left out .

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Dr. IBK Absconds As Students Lament Over Poor Welfare Conditions

By Farombi Oluwaseun

The  students of the Obafemi Awolowo University  who had just resumed for  the Rain semester expressed their grievances today by coming out en-mass  over the total black out  and poor water supply on campus which  has being close to a week.

The protest which started around 12pm  today, 4th October 2017 from the halls of residence was moved down to the Office of the  Dean ,Divisions of students affairs'.

The students who were not happy met the Dean(Prof.Aransi) in his absence but a repsentative promised a solution will be proffered soon. .

Afterwards, the students  marched down to the aluta building to hear the students Union President's(Mr Oyekan Ibukun a.k.a. Dr.IBK)  address to their agitation. On arrival at the building ,  they urged him to  address them but no response was given.. He was seen absconding through the Secretary General's office when he noticed  students dissatisfaction  with the level of present poor welfarism in the institution..
During his evasion attempt, he  got the office door damaged (Image below) with his  arm hitting the forehead of the Secretary General and escaped through the office..

Speaking with some protesters,they alleged that the  President has been sabotaging the interest of students starting from the bus scandal, dismissal of traders around SUB, bad  welfare condition amongst others.

All efforts to reach the Students Union President as the time of filing this report proved abortive.