Sunday 27 August 2023

Great Ife Students' Union Addresses the University Dress Code Controversy

By Ifeoluwa Adegboyeya (Ifelaw PR)

In response to a recent statement concerning the 'University's Dress Code and the Consequences for Non-Compliance', the Great Ife Students' Union has steadfastly conveyed its stance on the University's recent endeavour to regulate students' dress.

The Union in a press release further stresses that the statement underscores the paramount importance of safeguarding students' rights and their freedom of expression, which the Union believes are under threat due to these dress code regulations. Additionally, the Students' Union firmly opposes the imposition of uniforms, deeming them outdated and irrelevant within the vibrant learning environment at OAU, renowned for its intellectual culture.

In their released statement, the Union categorically rejects the notion that these regulations are aimed at controlling and restricting students' freedom of self-expression through their clothing choices.

Furthermore, the Students' Union, in its press release, highlights that students' attire poses no threat to the university community, emphasizing that the university's focus should be on addressing issues such as faculty members' sexual harassment.

In their concluding remarks, the Students' Union warns that limiting students' freedom could result in an unsafe and hostile campus environment. They pledge to actively oppose any policies detrimental to students and advocate for a safer learning environment by promoting the enforcement of anti-sexual harassment measures.
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