Friday 6 December 2019

OAU Management Dedicates Hotline To Reporting Sexual Harassment

By Eberechuwu Okafor

The management of the Obafemi Awolowo University has released a special circular on new means to protect students from sexual harassment.

Prior to the release of the helpline, the viral video of the "All-seeing eye" by Kiki Mordi for BBC Africa in October, several students had looked out for the steps the Obafemi Awolowo University will take towards protecting its students against actions like that. At the time, it did not seem like much would be done.

However, the management has put these fears to rest as the Obafemi Awolowo University has decided to take a strong stand against sexual harassment meted on any of the students of the great school by creating a helpline in case of emergencies.

According to a release signed by the registrar of the school, students can now send text messages directly or via the social media "WHATSAPP" to 07063610481 in cases of emergencies. This development is surely welcome as many students have shown a warm reception to this it.

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