Monday 27 February 2017

OAUSU2017: Electoral Petition Indicts Elected Officer, Runner-up To Assume Position

Following a petition by Mr Ojuko Taiwo, the runner-up in the just concluded Hall Executive Council elections in Angola Hall against Mr Coker Oluwapelumi, the election petition committee having sat on the case has found Mr Coker guilty and has indicted him from running for any post in the Students' Union fro his said misconduct. Thus, Mr Paul is expected to fill the position. The decision was reached at the sitting of the petition held today, Monday 27th February 2017. Find the full proceedings of the sitting below;


 Resolution of the petition between Mr. Ojuko Taiwo and Mr. Coker Oluwapelumi

This is to inform the generality of the Great Ife students that the Petition against Mr. Ojuko Taiwo and Mr. Oluwapelumi Coker has been concluded and below are the verdicts given by the committee:

1⃣ That Mr. Coker Oluwapelumi, by virtue of him being an illegal occupant of Angola Hall is illegible to contest having contravened the Sacrosanct Students' Union constitution, SECTION 65 (1) which states that "only registered members of each hall in contest shall vote or be voted for at hall elections". By virtue of that, Mr. Ojuko Taiwo, the  runner up of the election becomes the valid legitimate candidate for the post of General Secretary.
Therefore, the decisions of the Electoral Petition are thus: 

⚫ Ojuko Taiwo assumes position as the general Secretary elect for Angola Hall.
⚫ Coker Oluwapelumi has been indicted from contesting in any Students' Union Election till he graduates.

2⃣  That Commissioner Sanyaolu by virtue of the fact that no evidence was found against him to prove the following allegations:
▪ That he was biased in one way or the other;
▪ That he disrupted the counting process of the elections of Angola hall;
▪ That he campaigned for the acclaimed Coker Oluwapelumi; and
▪ That he screened Coker oluwapelumi.

By virtue of that, commissioner Sanyaolu is free from all guilt as regards the petition.

Abundance Moses
Bamijoko Saheed
Secretary (USB)

Abikanlu Olusola (Sir Focus)

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