Tuesday 18 August 2015

The Death Of Hope -Pope Jay

(In April 2014, Over 200 girls were kidnapped by the Boko Haram sect, a dreaded insurgent group in North of Nigeria. Since then, several rescues and escapes have been reported but this flash fiction is dedicated to the ones whose escape or rescue story we would never hear...)  


And there she lay, in her own pool of blood, counting down with every breath, looking for the perfect last words. Abubakar Aasia was going to leave this world not exactly the way she planned. She had wanted to be a politician so she could help her small community. But there and then, she watched that very dream fade before her eyes, perhaps killed by the very nation she had hoped to serve or the ones she had hoped to protect it from.

  A few months earlier when the militants came to abduct her and her mates in school, they were quite hopeful that they would be rescued. But after weeks of waiting, she tried to escape. Her escapade got her caught up in a cross fire and as in most cases, a bullet went astray. As life left her body Aasia finally found the words, the very words every pious Muslim wants to say last.

“La Ilaha illa Allah,Muhammadu Rasool Allah."


Pope Jay
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