Saturday 12 January 2019

Lecture Free Week: The Comic Heartbreak

Lecture Free Week: The Comic Heartbreak

by Kingsley Ndimele 

Bosun, my room mate was preparing lunch yesterday, when suddenly he was notified that timetable for his exams have been officially released by  his department.

Unlike the usual tense academic atmosphere during the lecture free week, many students are yet to wake up to the reality of the fact that semester exams start next week.

Everyday, several departments keep releasing examination timetable, while some departments had released theirs before the Christmas and New Year break.

Like seriously! Exams start next week! So, VC refused to add extra two weeks. I've read nada! This is gradually becoming a reality. I pray I don't jones this semester.

Few hours after the threat letter released by ASUU OAU, Federal Government made head way in their agreement with ASUU National Body. Predictably, the ASUU strike will be called off officially any time soon.

As I was writing my last test scheduled for this week, I saw exams staring strongly at my face. The gradual reality that exam is loading when I'm yet to recover from the festive break is a comic heartbreak.

Somebody, help my solution. Where do I start from?  Which course do I read first?  Do I even have all the materials? Some of my friends are still at home waiting for the extra two weeks.  Even some 'ASUU departments' rumored to have been on strike have released their timetables. UJCM Exam Prayer Meeting even starts next week. Lobatan!

Awo cafe is half filled, while lazy ones like me is still on the look out for breaking news for an extension of this semester.

With the way this drama is unfolding, I pray that I don't fail too much.

Tuesday 8 January 2019

Important Information To All OAU Newly Admitted Students

Important Information To All OAU Newly Admitted Students
A big Congratulations to you on your admission to the great ife citadel. This is to inform you that payment & registration is drawing closer. In a bid to serve you better and reach you more readily, OAU Peeps News Agency has decided to create a WhatsApp Group for all newly admitted students of Obafemi Awolowo University.

The primary aim is to disseminate targeted information to this class of persons faster.

To join the WhatsApp group, send a direct message to any of these numbers;

Babafaros: 08064189480
Samad: 07067539342

on WhatsApp using the format below.

Kindly add me to the OAU Peeps Freshmen's group. My name is Ajanlekoko Dotun, admitted to the Department of Chemistry.

You will be added once we receive your request.
NOTE: Send your request once and to only one of the numbers above.

Kindly Tell Others

Monday 7 January 2019

BREAKING: FG Reaches Agreement With ASUU, Releases N15.4bn

BREAKING: FG Reaches Agreement With ASUU, Releases N15.4bn
The Federal Government has reached an agreement with members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU).

Addressing journalists on Monday evening after the meeting with the striking lecturers in Abuja, the Minister of Labour and Employment, Chris Ngige, said the majority of their demands have been met including the release of N15.4 billion for payment of salary shortfalls.

According to him, the Federal Government is also in the process of releasing another N20 billion for payment of earned allowances for university lecturers.

Meanwhile, the ASUU President, Professor Biodun Ogunyemi, said the National Executive Committee of the union will review their decisions based on the new commitment by the government.

According to him, it is only after that meeting of the ASUU leadership that the union will announce its position on the ongoing strike action.

Its been over two months since the union went on strike following the alleged inability of the government to respond to its demands.

OAU Releases Examination Timetable, Reacts To ASUU Strike

OAU Releases Examination Timetable, Reacts To ASUU Strike

By John Beloved

The management of Obafemi Awolowo university(OAU) has released examination time table in a bid to continue with the academic session despite ASUU strike.

Report have it that the strike was declared  by the National Body of Academic staff union of universities(ASUU) on the 5th of November 2019 over some demands which based on the agreement  reached with the federal government in 2009.

 Throwing OAU students into dilemma,  the strike had  been effective in some  departments and at the same time placed no hold on others hereby dividing academic activities within the institution.

OAU Peeps News Agency gathered that students panicking heightened with the  decision of the management to conduct a general examination for all students despite the halt in some classes.

Speaking with some OAU students, they have however  clamoured for an extension to  cover up for their loss and to enable them  finish the syllabus before test and exams would be conducted.

Speaking with an affected student Dauda Nahimot, a  student from the department of botany, she lamented over the perceived effect of the situation

In her words, "We should be given at least two weeks extension  to cover up what we missed,  even two weeks won't be enough, we can't cover up for the practicals anymore. We missed  more than five weeks of practicals which spans for 3hours every week.

Another student,Laide stated that the examination date fixed is causing unrest among students.

In his words " We are meant to start exams on the 14th of January as scheduled. Our timetable is out  already &practicals can no longer hold. We are only coming  to write test and exams like other students that have been attending classes."

Speaking with OAU Peeps News Agency, the public relations officer of the institution, Mr Abiodun Olanrewaju stated that regardless of the strike the school has been opened, academic activities have continued and  lecturers have been teaching.

"Eighty percent of the lecturers are teaching in OAU. Some classes might have not been holding but that doesn't mean lecturers have not been teaching."

Also in an interaction with OAU Peeps, the Dean of Students Affairs, Professor Aransi, stated that the management would put into consideration students whose classes were halted due to the strike.

In his words, "Definitely the management  have taken a position on the matter .Just let the student resume. I'm not saying there would be any change but the lecturers are in position of how they are going to be teaching  these courses.

So there is no course for alarm."
He added.

National Strike: ASUU OAU Declares Examination In OAU Invalid.

National Strike: ASUU OAU Declares Examination In OAU Invalid.

By John Beloved & Ganiyu Ayanniyi 

The OAU chapter of Academic staff union of universities(ASUU) have declared examination in Obafemi Awolowo university(OAU) invalid.

Reacting to the decision of the school management to conduct exams despite the ongoing Nation wide strike embarked on by lecturers.

The union has called the attention of both parents and students, pointing out the criteria for conducting examinations.

In a release signed by the chairperson, Mr Adeola Egbedokun and the general secretary, Mr Kayode Atilade  received by OAU Peeps News agency, the union declared examination conducted by the school null and void stating several criteria would be left unsatisfied.

It emphasised that the decision of the school management to coerce students to sit for examination in courses where the required minimum of 75% attendance as stipulated in the school regulations have not reached calls to question the integrity of the institution.

The release further stated that the school is operating against the university regulations by operating this semester for barely (five) 5 weeks of lectures instead of twelve (12) weeks of intensive teaching, one (1) week for Lecture Free Week and two (2) weeks for examinations, making a total of fifteen (15) weeks alleging the school of reallocating courses to some lecturers illegally.

According to the school current academic calendar, examinations are to start on Monday 14th January 2019.

" The current rain semester of 2017/2018 session commenced 2nd October 2018 while ASUU strike commenced on the 4th of November
Consequently the semester was barely five weeks  at the time lectures stopped, with the implication that courses have not been fully taught." It stated

The union condemned the reallocation of courses by the management to lecturers with low expertise stating that courses are to be distributed based on lecturers area of  specialization and experience.

The Union Concluded by indicating that the Vice chancellorship, Deans and Head of departments would be accountable for the implications of this action.

Sunday 23 December 2018

EXCLUSIVE: How A 200 Level OAU Student Was Murdered

EXCLUSIVE: How A 200 Level OAU Student Was Murdered

By Farombi Oluwaseun

A 200 level student of Obafemi Awolowo University, identified as Abiodun Babalola  has been reportedly murdered by armed robbers during a robbery attack in Ile-Ife at the early hours of Saturday. 22nd December, 2018.

OAU Peeps News Agency gathered that the victim, Late Abiodun Babalola  is a student from the department of Management & Accounting ,Faculty of Administration &  popularly known a TERMUR

It was gathered that the robbery attack which led to his murder occurred off-campus at Adam& Eve Hostel.

Speaking with OAU Peeps News Agency, Mr Funso Adegboye, the Ile-Ife Area commander Police  confirmed the incidence. He stated there was a robbery attack, the victim was injured ,rushed to the hospital but eventually gave up the ghost.

OAU Peeps New Agency gathered that the victim is not a resident of the hostel but slept in the hostel on Friday to participate in group discussion meant for SSC 202 Test scheduled to hold  the following day,Saturday,22nd December 2018.

According to an eye witness who pleaded anonymity , he stated that few minutes after the armed robbers had gained entrance  to the room , an argument occurred perhaps an interception with the robbers. In this process, he was hit with a cutlass on the head.

The eyewitness further stated that the victim should have survived it but a lot of irregularities played  after the incidence caused his death.

He stated that the irregularities started when there was no vehicle or patrol van to take him from the hostel to any nearby hospital.

" Both the Nigeria Police and the OAU security officials complained of faulty patrol van'' He emphasized.

He stated that the victim was first taken by a bike before the University Chief Security officer brought his private car to pick the Victim.

OAU Peeps News Agency gathered that the victim was first taken to the university health centre before being transfered to Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex around 3am.

It was confirmed the health officials at the OAUTHC didn't treat the case as an emergency as they kept asking for frivolities like money for blood,etc which left the victim to be unattended to for more than 5hours.

OAU Peeps gathered that the victim was finally attended to after  8am before he gave up the ghost around 9am on Saturday.

It will be recalled that this is not the first case of students not being attended to on emergencies at the university teaching hospital.

In a release by the executive council of  Nigeria Universities Accounting Students Association,OAU which was obtained by OAU Peeps News Agency, the executive council stated that it was a bad occurrence to have lost one of the archetypes in the association. They stated the  victim was a man of distinguished humanity before his  death & concluded by sending condolences to all affected friends & family of the Late Abiodun Babalola

Speaking extensively with the University Public Relations Officer, Mr Abiodun Olanrewaju stated that it is a sad incident to the university community at large especially towards  this festive Period of the year.

In his words;" The university Vice Chancellor, his management team & on behalf of the university council,we are all sad to lose a student of the institution especially towards this festive period of the year".

  The University Public Relations Officer  thanked everyone that tried all their  possible best to save the life of the victim  and further added that this is not a right time to shift blame on anyone for the loss of the student stating that " Man Proposes but God disposes ".

He concluded by praying for the family and friends of Late Abiodun Babalola for God to console them and bear the fortitude to bear the irreplaceable loss.

Team Empower Emerges as Winner of OAU HULT PRIZE

Team Empower has emerged winners of the Hult Prize Oncampus Event in Obafemi Awolowo Univerisity along with runner ups Team Vanguard and Team Luminous.

Among 93 registered teams, 47 teams were shortlisted to pitch their business ideas solving youth unemployment to a panel of 15 Judges. Team Empower emerged the overall winner of the competition, closely followed by the runner ups Team Vanguard and Team Luminous.

Empower Health aims to be the largest cloud storage of medical information in Africa by providing a platform for accessibility of health records across medical institutions in developed and underdeveloped communities, creating over 10,000 jobs for youths in Nigeria by 2024 in the process.

The winning teams will go on to represent Obafemi Awolowo University at the regional finals(semi-finals) of the competition to get into the Hult Prize Accelerator and to get a chance to win the grand prize of $1,000,000.