Wednesday 25 November 2015

NANCE Decries State Of Nigerian Education, Proffers Solutions

The National Association of Nigerian Campus Journalists (NANCE) has expressed disappointment over the current state of the Nigerian tertiary education and in turn proffers some possible solutions that can ameliorate the condition.

In a Press Statement co-signed by the National Chairman, General Secretary and Head Support Team of NANCE, Olanrewaju Oyedeji, Abdul Shehu and Akintola Lukmon respectively, the effect of constant strike actions, delayed future, lackadaisical behaviour of lecturers, lack of learning facilities, mismanaging managers, egocentric leaders and other things have been highlighted as parts of the reason for the decadence of a sector.

Below is the full Statement.

State of Education In Nigeria; A Gunless Boko-Haram
Over the years, Nigerian Students have been grappling under the effect of constant strike actions, delayed future, lackadaisical behaviours of lecturers, lack of learning facilities, Mismanaging managers, egocentric leaders etc. All these abnormalities can be said to be a reason for the decadence of a sector that is meant to be a sustaining factor of any country in the 21st century .

It is disheartening that over the years Nigeria has been accused of producing half-baked and below standard graduates, little wonder that no university can boast of been among the best 200 in the world, yet we call ourselves giant of Africa.

Nigeria is blessed no doubt with intellectuals but what has becloud our sense of duty is more of corruption than lack of resources. It is important to note that in the early seventies, learning was worth it all after all facilities were present and there was the right attitude to learn, then the statement 'half baked graduates’ never existed.

Our so called top and leading institutions are nothing but advanced secondary schools, some that still boast of quality only live in the glory of time past, the adage "in the land of the blind, one eyed man is always the king" applies fully to Nigeria. The current state of our lectures environment starting from hostels to lecture theaters are nothing but advanced prisons, the only difference between prisons and Nigerian hostels can be traced to freedom of movement, what do you say about 3000 students receiving lecture in a 500-seaters lecture theater?

What do we say about hostels that are not with good facilities yet lecturers live in luxury.

Our educational system has now come to the state where our lecturers don't bother to teach again, they leave students to their fates and to some people even lecturers of 21st century in Nigeria know nothing, hard but they maybe right.

Decadence in the education sector can be traced to mismanagement of little funds available for the sector especially in our higher institutions of learning. Insincerity of government over the years is also responsible for the failure of this sector, it is disheartening that government has refused to properly fund education; 'Nigeria's future'. Any country that cannot invest in education has nowhere to go, it has no future in the real sense.

It is very obvious that key stakeholders over the years have failed to go back to the drawing table to map out sincere strategies that will aid education sector. Commonsensically, one would have expected our renowned corrupt university, polytechnic, colleges of education and various institutes' management to understand that sinking the future of Nigerian education is like sinking the future of Nigeria.

In Nigeria, we have become comfortable travelling overseas to study and even pride ourselves in it, nobody is thinking of making Nigerian varsities worth coming sometime soon, political leaders easily boast of having their kids in England, when all they want is for their families to have qualitative education while Nigerian youths should not.

Probe of the Nigerian Universities management is undebatable at this point in time, they should be held responsible for not even handling the little funds at their disposal well, many institutions have increased fees but quality of education has failed to improve hereby going against law of economics and financial ethics.

A review of our educational policies should be done, most of them do not fit into the present day realities.

... An audit of accounts of all higher institutions of learning in Nigeria
.... A probe of higher institution(s) administrations in Nigeria
... A productive funding of the education sector in Nigeria
.... Engaging of student bodies on possible ways of revamping education sector in Nigeria
..... Review of learning curriculums in Nigerian varsities
.... A national tour of higher institutions of learning to ascertain the level of their decadence.

We believe in spite of all present challenges, Nigeria has a future.

God bless Nigeria.

Nigerian Guild of Editors
Nigerian Union of Journalists
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Information
All state commissioners of Education
University Management(s)
Polytechnics Management(s)
Colleges of Education Management (s)
Academic staff Union of Universities (ASUU)
Non-Academic staff Union of Universities
National Association of Nigerian Campus Journalists
Economic and Financial Crimes commission

Olanrewaju Oyedeji
National Chairman, NANCE

Abdul Shehu
Secretary General

Akintola Lukmon
Head,support Team

Saturday 21 November 2015

Nigerian Law Students Converge To Create National Body

The movement to have a National Law Students' Association of Nigeria (LAWSAN) took a giant leap with delegates from some Universities in Nigeria coming together on the 14th and 15th of November, 2015 to discuss and map out modalities for the formation of the association. The historic meeting was held at the Faculty of Law, Obafemi Awolowo University under the hosting leadership of Mr Olaniran Quadri, the President of the Law Students' Society, Obafemi Awolowo University.

The meeting centred upon crucial matters such as: the need for a national body, aims and objectives of such body, sponsorship for the association as well as issues relating to the constitution and convention of the association.

The major highlight of the meeting was the bidding to host the maiden edition of the LAWSAN Convention scheduled for June, 2016. After a rigorous screening process, it was agreed by Universities present that University of Ibadan should host the first Convention of the association. Decisive steps were also taken with regards to the drafting of a constitution which will operate as the ground norm and modus operandi for the association.

Delegates present at the meeting include Mr. Olaniran Quadri Oladimeji and Mr. Adepoju Oluwasola Idris (Obafemi Awolowo University), Mr Mohammed Daud (Lagos State University), Mr Mobolaji Ojo (President, LAWSAN Abuja), Miss Esther Sanda (President, LAWSAN, Bowen University), Mr. Ebunoluwa Dapo-Thomas (President, L.S.S Osun State University) as well as Mr. Victor Kuforiji (A.G.F., L.S.S. University of Ibadan) who stood in for Opeyemi Adeleke, (President L.S.S., University of Ibadan), University of Calabar and delegates from University of Benin.

The delegate from the University of Abuja stood as the representative for the northern Nigeria. The meeting was conveyed by Mr. Samuel Osijo (LASU), Head of Lincoln's Inn who was the moderator and who is expected to remain the convener of the Association until the convention.

LAWSAN is expected to champion the positive cause of member students as well as serve as a platform for members to render their opinions on national issues.

Friday 20 November 2015

NNPC/MPN Undergraduate Scholarship Awards 2015 - Apply Now

As part of support to educational development and human capacity building, Mobil Producing Nigeria (MPN), operator of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)/MPN Joint Venture awards annual scholarships to qualified undergraduate students in Nigerian Universities. Applications for the 2015 NNPC/MPN Undergraduate National Scholarship is now open.

Awards will be made to qualified and suitable students who are currently admitted in Nigerian Universities irrespective of state of origin including the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

Since 1974, ExxonMobil upstream affiliates in Nigeria – Esso Exploration and production Nigeria Limited (EEPNL) and Mobil Producing Nigeria (MPN) have supported the education of thousands of Nigerian students through the Companies’ various scholarship schemes.

Undergraduate Scholarship Awards
This program is funded by Mobil Producing Nigeria, operator of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)/MPN Joint Venture. Since 1998, a total of 500 undergraduate scholarships are awarded annually. This is a significant increase on the 13 awards offered at inception of the scheme in 1974.

The awards are made to suitably qualified students from every state of the federation, including the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). However, about 62 per cent of the total NNPC/MPN Undergraduate scholarship awards are allocated to students who are indigenes of the operational communities/ States - Akwa Ibom (50%) and Rivers States (12%). There is also a merit award (10%) to the best 50 candidates in the selection tests.

The remaining places go to students from other states including the Federal Capital territory (FCT), based on merit and fair geographical spread. The current scholarship awards are for disciplines in Engineering (Petroleum, Chemical Mechanical, Electrical/Electronics and Civil,) Geology/Geophysics, Medicine, Agricultural Science (and related fields) as well as Computer Science.

Other schemes sponsored by this partnership include the NNPC/ESSO National and International Postgraduate Scholarship Awards. These scholarship programs are amongst several initiatives by the ExxonMobil upstream subsidiary companies EEPNL and MPN), along with the respective partners and co-venturer, to help build capacities of young and brilliant Nigerians and further boost pool of qualified manpower for career opportunities in Nigeria and abroad.

E-applications are invited from full-time undergraduates in their FIRST YEAR (100 LEVEL) or SECOND YEAR (200 LEVEL) of study in any of the under-listed courses in Nigerian Universities:

1. Petroleum Engineering
2. Chemical Engineering
3. Mechanical Engineering
4. Electrical/Electronics Engineering
5. Civil Engineering
6. Geology/Geophysics
7. Medicine (MBBS Only)
8. Agricultural Science (And related fields)
9. Computer Science

a. Candidates must be holders of the SSCE or its Equivalent with at least six subjects passed at a sitting
b. Applicants must be registered full-time undergraduates in their 1st or 2nd year of study in any Nigerian University
c. Students who are currently on similar scholarship awards from other oil and gas companies should not apply
d. Dependants of employees of Mobil Producing Nigeria, Mobil Oil Nigeria Plc and Esso Exploration and Production Nigeria Limited are not eligible for this scholarship.

Please note that we will accept applications through this web site address only. Hard copies of any document submitted will not be processed. All interested students are advised to click on “How to Apply” tab to proceed.

Application closes midnight 1st December, 2015.

In line with our e-scholarship administration system, selected students will be invited for computer-administered qualifying tests in selected examination centers nationwide. Short-listed candidates for the qualifying test will be invited by email and SMS text messages. All applicants are therefore advised to ensure that GSM telephone numbers and personal email addresses are properly entered into the e-forms on the web site.


How To Apply
Application is open to full-time FIRST YEAR (100 LEVEL) or SECOND YEAR (200 LEVEL) students admitted during the 2014/2015 or 2013/2014 academic session only.

1. Before you start this application, ensure you have clear scanned copies of the following documents;

a.Passport photograph with white background not more than 3 months old (450px by 450px not more than 200kb)
b.Current University ID card
c.Admission letter (If you do not have this document, click here to get yours)
d.Birth certificate
e.O' Level result
f.JAMB Result (If you do not have this document, click here to get yours)
g.SSCE result or its equivalent
h.vidence of State of origin obtained from the appropriate i.Local Government Area and duly signed by the Chairman or Secretary

2. Ensure the documents are named according to what they represent to avoid mixing up documents during upload

3. Ensure you attach the appropriate documents when asked to upload

Deadline is 1st December, 2015

To apply, follow the steps below:

2. Click on "Register" to create an account.
3. Proceed to your email box to activate your account
4. Click on to return to Scholarship site
5. Enter your registered email and password to upload your information.
6. Enter your personal information, National Identification Number (if available), educational information, other information and upload required scanned documents.
7. Ensure the name used in application matches the names on all documentation in same order. Upload a sworn affidavit or certificate if otherwise.
8. Ensure you view all documents after uploading, to eliminate errors during uploading.
9. When asked to upload photo, upload a pass-port photograph with a white background.
10. Recheck application information to avoid errors
11. Click "Apply Now" to submit information at or return to the home page and select the 2015 NNPC/MPN Undergraduate Scholarship Awards to be redirected to the application page 12. You will receive an email that confirms your application was successful.
13. Return to, enter your Email and Password to download your profile and proceed to have your referee to sign the document.
14. Upload a scanned copy of the signed profile, this would be used for verification.
15. If National Identification Number (NIN) number was not available in step 6, to obtain your National Identification Number (NIN)
o Visit to register and learn more about the National Identity Number
o Click "Create Account" and fill in the required fields
o Login with Email and Password to complete the form
o After completion, schedule a date for photo and finger print capture
o Visit any of the capture centers to complete the registration process and obtain your National Identity Number
o You can also do your total registration at the NIMC office
16. Return to and update application with National Identification Number (NIN) to ensure completion

Note: Multiple applications attract a disqualification penalty from the Scholarship board
Credit: MySchool

Professor Aderemi Kuku National Young Scientist Award In Mathematical Sciences

The Nigerian Young Academy (NYA) was established in August 2010 by the pioneering effort of the Nigeria Academy of Science (NAS), supported by Nigerian Academy of Education (NAE) and the Nigerian Academy of Engineering (NAEng). The NYA was established to provide recognition for excellence and raise the profile of young researchers in Nigeria. Additionally, members would play a crucial role as inspirational figures for a new generation of researchers and impact on the society through their research. The NYA is the unified platform for the exchange of ideas across disciplines and regions, nurturing outstanding and aspiring youthful researchers and professionals towards improving the state of the nation.

In line with her objectives, the NYA through the kind donation of Prof. Aderemi O. Kuku has instituted the “Professor Aderemi Kuku National Young Scientist Award in Mathematical Sciences” with a view to promoting original research in Mathematics especially among young scientists in Nigeria. This initiative commenced in 2013. The recipient will be given the award at the General Assembly/National Conference of the NYA in 2016 at a date and place to be announced later.

The Prize:
The prize will be given annually and consists of an award certificate signed by the Presidents of NAS and NYA, and ₦100,000 (one hundred thousand naira only) prize money. The Nigerian Young Academy is responsible for administering this award in Nigeria, and the decision of the Jury shall be final.

Selection Details:
 The award is designed to recognize the scientific achievements of young researchers working in the different fields of Mathematics and living in Nigeria; and to encourage them to continue to strive for excellence in their research in the Mathematical sciences. The award is open to both male and female young researchers in all areas of research in:
 Mathematics – Pure and Applied
 Statistics and Probability
 Computer Science
 Mathematical Physics
 Mathematical Modelling (e.g. Mathematical Biology etc) and
 Mathematical Economics (Econometrics)

 Candidates should not be more than 45 years of age by December 31st of the year of application.
 Candidate should have evidence of involvement in scholarly research in the Mathematical Sciences and must be affiliated to a not-for-profit research institution in Nigeria (e.g. Universities or Research Institutes).
 Only Nigerian citizens who have lived and worked in Nigeria for at least the last 3 years will be considered.
 Candidates must hold at least a Master’s degree (M.Sc. in any area of Mathematics, Statistics and Probability, Computer Science, Mathematical/Theoretical Physics, Econometrics and Mathematical Modelling) and have a good record of research publications in reputable peer-reviewed Journals.
 Candidate may be nominated by his/her institution or may nominate self.
 Once a winner is selected by the NYA panel of judges, the profile and scientific achievements of the award winner will be placed on the NYA and NAS websites. The result of the selection will be announced on or before May 31st of the year of the award.
 The awardee will be expected to make a presentation of his/her research work to a general audience during the General Assembly/National Conference of the NYA.
 Members of NYA are excluded from competing for this prize. Persons who have applied for this prize are not eligible to apply for NYA membership in the year they have applied for the prize.
 Applicants can apply for only ONE NYA prize for the year. Multiple applications from same applicant for different NYA prizes will all be automatically disqualified.
 Each application should include names of three referees who should be asked by the candidates to write with their institution’s letterhead directly by email (confidentially) to the NYA.


* Please attach the statement of result or certificate for the most recent qualification and other supporting documents, such as research awards/scholarships/fellowships/grants, NYSC certificate, etc.

*Kindly attach your current Curriculum Vitae.



* Kindly forward completed application form with relevant documents to and cc:,

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Students' Union Officers Clash With Lecturer, English Students Demand Apology Letter

By David Adetula

The Public Relations Officer of the Obafemi Awolowo University Students' Union, Ojedokun Emmanuel a.k.a Immanuel Kant during the early hours of yesterday caused a scene at ODLT 2 where an English course was going on. The Union officer had come to interrupt the class in a bid to make an announcement. Not pleased with Kant's request, the lecturer sent him out denying him the opportunity to address the students.

After some sort of heated arguement, Kant succumb to the lecturer's wish until the Secretary General of the Students' Union, Oketooto Oluwaseun a.k.a Honourable Seun came to the scene where he insisted the lecturer was not going to continue with his lecture unless the announcement was made. The new challenge was sufficient to bring the class to an abrupt end as the lecturer walked out of the class.

Expressing disappointment at the occurrence, the SU PRO opined that it is a bad omen for the Union as they were embarrassed by the lecturer for making a request to announce to the students. Matter took another turn as the Union officers reportedly stormed the office of the same lecturer to demand apology for the incidence but the English students who were obviously furious about the development formed a resistance to this. A meeting eventually held which had the SU executives, the Dean of Faculty of Arts, ASUU-OAU Chairman, OAU Alumni Chairman, Head of OAU Security Team and the Head, Department of English in attendance to resolve the issue.

In the evening at about 5:00pm, the President of the National Association of Students of English and Literary Studies (NASELS), Sodiq Oyeleke called a student congress to address the issue and the following resolutions were reached;

- That Prof. Y.K Yusuf should not write any letter of apology to the Students’ Union
- That an open letter be written requesting the Students’ Union to apologize for ‘constituting nuisance’ at the Department of English
- That a petition be forwarded to the University’s Security Unit over the threat made on the security of Prof. Y.K Yusuf
- That an ultimatum of 48-hour be given to the SU to tender the apology letter for breaching the motto of OAU – ‘Learning and Culture’

Kumuyi Storms Ile-Ife For Open Air Crusade

The General Superintendent of Deeper Christian Life Ministry, Pastor W. F. Kumuyi will be visiting Ile-Ife for an open air crusade which is billed to start on Thursday, 18th November, 2015. The two-day crusade is expected to hold at Oduduwa College, Sabo, Ile-Ife by 5pm daily.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Campus Editors Unveil National Body

Student Editors in Nigerian tertiary institutions will officially unveil a national guild of campus editors’ association, which is tagged National Association of Nigerian Campus Editors (NANCE) on Monday, 16 November.

The association which is aimed at having a unitary voice among all campus editors will be unveiled by 11:00 am across the country and will mark a milestone in the history of Nigerian campus journalism.

Speaking to our correspondent, Oyedeji Olanrewaju, the Chairman of NANCE and student Editor at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, expressed gratitude to the founders of NANCE for making it a reality.

“I’m so happy that NANCE has become a reality, we have always thought of it but today we are officially unveiling the national body of this great association of Nigerian campus pen-pushers.

“Basically, NANCE is borne out of the necessity to empower student journalists especially editors who have been major players in the media sector over the years. It is also a major aim of NANCE that campus editors all over the country contribute their own quota to Nigeria’s development,” he stated.

Olanrewaju also noted that “Today is a historical day for all campus editors and campus journalists. At different regional offices and even the head office here on OAU campus, a small ceremony will be conducted to mark the official unveiling of NANCE”.
Also commenting on this memorable day for NANCE members is Chukwu Daniel, the Vice Chairman of NANCE and a campus editor at the University of Lagos, who commended NANCE as a great innovation and also made it known that NANCE will ensure unification among campus journalists.

“First and foremost, I will like to say that I am very proud to be part of this great innovation and I am equally proud to be given the privilege to serve in this capacity. The official unveiling that will be done today is mainly to give NANCE the widest possible publicity.

“A lot of things contributed to the formation of NANCE. Chief is the fact that Campus Journalism has thrived beyond what we use to have. Hence, the need for coordination of all tertiary institutions in the country becomes necessary. This will not only add impetus and quality to reportage of events across campuses, but will also give us that one voice we have always craved” he explained.

It has been gathered that NANCE presently has membership in 20 varsities which cut across the six geo-political zones of the federation.

NANCE head office is in OAU Ile-Ife, while South-west regional office is situated in University of Ibadan.
The North regional office will be situated in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria and South-eastern regional office will be situated in University of Nigeria, Nsukka, and the South-South regional office will be situated in University of Port Harcourt.