Monday 9 January 2023

Is This Playing: OAU Girls Confess To Having S*x with Bikemen Via Anonymous Messages, Students Reacts

By Ayomide Emmanuel

In a trending anonymous messages trending on OAU students WhatsApp Status, some OAU girls were seen confessing to having s*x with bikemen on campus the girls were seen sharing their confessions of having nice time with bikemen. One was even praising the bikemen that they are good and loyal. 

See Pictures below

Some students have however reacted to this strange and surprising confessions. See reactions below.

Wednesday 4 May 2022

Forerunner Creativity And Innovation Releases Press Release As Most Beautiful Girl In OAU Audition Starts Tomorrow


It is with great humility that we introduce our organization Forerunner Creativity and Innovation. The organization is committed to promoting unity in our dear country "One Nigeria", In lieu of this, FCI has organised a national cultural pageantry in conjunction with Babafarous entertainment tagged "Most Beautiful Girl in OAU (MBG_OAU). 

The competition is targeted at building and raising young ladies with high self esteem, self confidence, leadership qualities who would become more responsible in their community and promote unity in diversity. The organization is proudly endorsed by HRM Oba Idowu Adediwura (Obalufe of Ife) and supported by the Great Ife Students Union

The Organization has ended her sales of form which has been on for a while now and has a quite number of contestants who are from different departments and faculties in OAU.

The journey to who wears the crown has begun, the auditioning of our contestants has been slated for 5th and 6th May, 2022 which will be online reasons due to the ongoing strike which has lured  many students ( including our contestants) to travel back to their various homes. The top contestants will be unveiled immediately after the auditioning. 

We Implore the Great Ife students to kindly follow this contest to the core as we have various contestants who are from different departments and they would definitely need the help of their departmental and/or faculty mates. The Great Ife students will also be  involved in determining who would be crowned the Most Beautiful Girl in OAU 2022, Don't be left out, Don't miss out any update.

To the students of OAU and members of the public, the organization urges everyone to kindly stay glued to our website (, Instagram (mbg_oau), Twitter (@mbg_oau) to get latest news and update as regard the contest.

As the maiden edition of this contest, the organization is opened to all kinds or forms of sponsorship/partnership to make the contest an eventful one on the soil of Africa's most beautiful campus, OAU.

 Let us journey through this together,

Stay Tuned .

Wednesday 6 March 2019

The Dilemma of Moral Instructions: Exploring the Fela Falana Construct

Thoughts on Falz's Moral Instruction Album by 'Joba Ojelabi

If a need to rank art forms ever arose, it might not be entirely foolish to bet that music would clinch the top ranks. With the diverse genres and musical subclassifications that exist, it remains perhaps the most relatable form of art. While a person might find it difficult to see the beauty of a painting, or appreciate the imperfections of a sculpture, it’s safer to assume that there’s a song for every man or at least every mood. Whether it’s the solemn sound of Yaani or the aggressive vibrations that characterizes the metallic genre of music, there’s someone that vibrates on the same frequency. This is why music, as a form of art, has over time been used when there’s a need to communicate with the public.

By hiding their message in the lyrics of a song, brands have been able to sell their products, politicians have able to get their names on the lips of the masses, and activists have been able to spread their ideals; hence the essence of protestant music. And of course, if protest and music occur in the same sentence, you can be sure there’s a “Fela” hanging somewhere, so much that even dear Uncle Folarin couldn’t pull one off without inviting Anikulapo from the grave.

For some of us 90s kids, “Moral Instruction” might not sound so strange. It was a compulsory subject in the Primary school curriculum at the time. I remember that I had the same notebook for Current Affairs and Moral Instruction and once in Moral instruction class, the teacher asked me to pronounce “Conscience” and I did, as “Con” and “Science” and was the joke of the class for a while. Moral Instruction class was the one class that sought to teach moral virtues, to show us, even as little boys, the concept of right and wrong and push us in the “right” direction. Looking back now, I cannot say the Moral instruction classes did not have any effects. I am unsure if the motivation for Falz’s latest album was from one of those classes but there’s no disagreeing with the fact that only a few names would have more aptly described his latest album like “Moral Instruction”.

The album which is only nine track long features several other artistes both living and dead as Falz does a lot of sampling of vocals and beats from the legendary Fela Anikulapo Kuti. So much that you could refer to the work as a Falz-Fela Mixtape. However, apart from beats and vocals, another thing that links to Fela is its Social consciousness. Over the nine tracks, Falz manages to explore a number of trending societal issues. This of course is the highlight of the album as, as expected, it goes on to spike varying reactions, some of which places Falz and his seemingly controversial album in the social media spotlight for a while. However, with a father like Femi Falana, it might not be too surprising that dear uncle Folarin treads the path of conscious music.

The album opens with “Johnny” which is a play on the popular Nigerian clause “Johnny just come” which is more commonly used to describe newbies in street slangs. Falz however adds a twist to the clause, using “Johnny just drop” and using the track to highlight the several avoidable killings around the country. “Follow Follow” comes on with blaring trumpets and the unmissable voice of Fela himself. A voice we would still come to hear later on in the album. However, in delivering a number of tracks, Falz gets help from some names we’ve heard before. The sonorous voice of Demmie Vee in “Hypocrite”, Sess, the alleged problem kid, in “Brother’s Keeper” and Chillz in “Paper”.

Interestingly, somehow the dead Fela still manages to outdo the living in Moral Instruction.
Something that makes the album quite beautiful, if that is the word to use, is the completeness of its content. Such that from even within the songs, Falz tries to predict the reaction of listeners to the content of his lyrics and addresses them. This he does successfully in “Amen” which address religious bigotry and fraudulence and is more deeply entrenched in the last track on the album which is nothing but a vocal acceptance of the fallibility of the thoughts expressed in the album.

For the reality of morality is no one can be absolute about right and wrong. And whether it’s a Primary school teacher trying to make ends meet, a rebel trying to sing his country into the light or the son of an activist igniting the first fires of his activism, no one really is perfect when it comes to moral instructions. In the words of Falz, “After all said and done, I do not have the right to direct the finger of guilt or look of contempt at my guy, for even I can barely see through the speck in my eye…”. But then again, perhaps it is this imperfection, or rather the acceptance of it, that makes “Moral Instruction” a beautiful piece of art. And of course, its social consciousness makes it timeless, such that when posterity look back at political landmarks of 2019, they’d remember that Nigeria had elections and just maybe that Falz dropped an album.

Sunday 23 October 2016

Sunday Style With Ella


'Observe the sabbath day and keep it holy.'

     Of Course no one wants to go to church looking grumpy. Moreover in this 21st century, you don't have to wear an overall and a scarf to look holy to church, Hence, the emergence of the "HOLY SLAYERS". Lol, thats what i call them.

     The Fashion Section of OAU Peeps News Agency has now introduced Sunday Style, an avenue to showcase the 'sunday style' of Great Ife.

For this week, we would be checking out a few people and their choices.

1) Blazers:- It doesn't have to be a formal occasion before you wear a blazers. Sometimes I even think it's the casual sibling of the suit. Well, Jasmine looked simply sassy on it. Yeah, no pattern whatsoever, no tight pants and simple colours yet she looked good.
You wanna take it a step higher, you can wear it on a patterned camisole tucked into a straight tight skirt with a pair of heels like Ibukun did. That's literally a killer outfit.
2) Lacy Dresses:- Some time before the new age, it was only worn to owambes but now, its used in really adorable ways and you ask yourself, "was this the lace material I didn't like to use when I was much younger?" Well, yes it is. Every girl loves a dress, even the guys can't take their eyes easily off a girl on a dress. No matter what, it brings out the chic in a babe, As we can see in the pretty girls, Eniola and Ronke. It can be either a fitted free dress or tight-fitted one. Either way, with the right combination, you are good to go
3) Sweaters:- So it's sunny but who says you can't still rock the sweater. Now for a classy man, you can add it to a shirt and a pair of suit pants. To add a lil spice, use it with a pair of jeans and even shorts. Who says you can't be formal on a sweater, try adding a tie with a pair of leather shoes. Dahunsi and Femi certainly didn't make a mistake  with the combinations, remember no pattern on pattern.

That's all for this week guys. Have a blessed week!

(Ella is a student of the Faculty of Arts, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-ife and a fashion and lifestyle writer on the OAU Peeps Team)

Saturday 22 October 2016

"When You Start Something, You Finish It"- Beautiful Nubia


Performers from the Dept of Dramatic Arts

Reacting to rumours that he dropped out of school for his music, popular roots  musician, Segun Akinlolu, popularly known as Beautiful Nubia, has come out to debunk the claims and clear the air. He stated at a performance in the Afrika Amphitheatre of the Obafemi Awolowo University that he is a graduate of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Ibadan and even practiced for eight years afterwards before finally quitting to face his music squarely.

He also claimed that although he was strongly involved in the arts as an undergraduate student; writing poetry and plays and even directing some of his plays, he strongly believed that once one started something, one must endeavour to finish it and eventually graduated one of the best students. Speaking on the role of music in the transformation of Africa, Beautiful Nubia also advised upcoming artistes to continue to use their music to advocate for a better Africa, in his words, "You can not be at peace if your neighbour is unhappy and you are only as rich as the poorest man in your society".

After offering some advice to the students, Beautiful Nubia and the Roots Renaissance Band then thrilled the audience with the performance of many of his songs keeping in mind that several other artistes from the Faculty of Arts such as Ashake, Deemsy Buraimoh, Kunle Eagle, Wole Sax and some departments had performed earlier.

Photo Credits- Novel Events

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Trending With Ella: Off-The-Shoulder Tops

Good day people. I know our days have been stressful especially with ongoing tests and upcoming exams. But then, that doesn't mean our fashion consciousness should die. Everyday new trends evolve and vintage re-evolve, while the present ones become stale.

On today's trending, the off-the-shoulder top is our concern. Off-the-shoulder tops can't be worn and look shabby. This closet staple needs a warm weather and a certain level of confidence; happily the skies are getting sunnier. You shouldn't rock it and make a mistake.

Here are the don’ts of an off-the-shoulder top:

1) Don't showcase your bra straps, it’s called an “under”wear. Moreover the idea is to show the skin, why distract the focus?

2) Don't wear a blazers or jacket. If you wanna hide the skin, stick to your camisole dear!

3) Neckpieces are outfits’ statements. They add spices to your outfit and you shouldn't wear a loud or busy neckpiece. The focuses are the upper chest and shoulder, not the neck. Keep the attention where it’s supposed to be.

4) No waist belts! I think that's self explanatory.

5) Don't be shy. Confidence is a major ingredient for a perfect outfit. While wearing the off-the-shoulder top, use the Angelina Jolie bad-ass carriage.

You can combine the top in various ways but just a lil tip. Remember it’s sunny; you wanna dazzle, add a pair of sunshades. If this top is missing in your wardrobe, then your wardrobe needs amending.

See some nice Up-To-Shoulder tops below.

Enjoy the rest of the week!

Ella, currently a Language student at the Obafemi Awolowo University, is a Fashion and lifestyle writer on the OAU Peeps Team.